stories for screens large & small
My feature film screenplay, The Blue Mauritius, was scheduled to go before cameras in spring 2020, but got derailed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At various points the attached cast included Anthony Mackie, John Rhys-Davies, Issac Hempstead Wright, Mathieu Kassovitz, Sofia Boutella, and Sönke Möhring. I wrote it as a classic caper about a group of international thieves who must overcome a state of the art security system to perform the heist of the century.

This 2017 film was made in 54 hours.
The kids in the movie Super 8? That was me at 13. I went on to do early computer animation, live action short subjects and music videos and promotional videos: writing directing, editing, producing or some combination thereof. It’s who I am.

I spent 20+ years working in the field of video and computer gaming, doing everything from pixel pushing to design to story scripting to producing to managing an entire product development division. This is how I trained to be a hands-on Producer, and why I’m uniquely positioned for screenwriting, producing and consulting on media concerning games.

Minor plus est, or “Less Is More” is my modus operandi, and nothing exemplifies that more than my love of 8–bit video game and computer systems and their inherent constraints.
Limitations = Opportunity, and pushing against envelopes forces us to test the limits of our creativity. Give me an envelope and I’ll push it.
I dare you.

Giving back to my local community is very important, and I’ve done volunteer work since my 20s: at a rural museum; handing out groceries at a food bank; scanning motion picture film at the Internet Archive as part of a project to digitize 4,000 reels of 16mm film donated by Penn State, where I not only scanned hundreds and hundreds of reels, but also wrote a new film scanning procedure to eliminate errors and improve the scan quality.
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